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Applicable to application, registration for and participation in online trainings

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: “GTC”) apply to online advertisements (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) operated through the website operated by Corvin Beatrix EV (hereinafter: Education Organizer) (hereinafter: the “Website”). together with: “Training”) and the general terms and conditions governing contracts for participation in Training, and in this context the rights and obligations of persons applying for or participating in Training (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant” and “Participant”). Hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Parties”). These terms and conditions apply to users using the level assessment, English language consultation and English language courses, trainings, trainings offered by the Education Organizer in personal or online classes or in a mixed format. The By applying for the Training, the Applicant declares that he / she has understood these GTC, accepts its contents and acknowledges that they are binding on him / her.

1. General information

1.1. The service provider for online trainings and courses available on the Website

Corvin Beatrix EV

Mailing address: 1012 Budapest, Mátray u. 5-7. fsz

EV number: EV-9812278

Tax number: 64511096-1-42

E-mail address:

Education Organizer declares and the Applicant accepts that if no legal paper-based written communication between the Education Organizer and the Applicant is required by law or the GTC, in that case the parties accept the e-mail as written. The Parties agree that they expressly acknowledge that the legal relationship between them is based on online cooperation (application for training by concluding an online contract), so that communication between each other is based on e-mail correspondence.

1.2. It is possible to apply for the Trainings electronically via the Website, in the manner specified in these GTC.

1.3. The contract between the Parties for the participation in the Training is concluded with the confirmation of the application by the Education Organizer. The concluded contract does not qualify as a written contract, it is not registered, so it is not accessible afterwards. The conclusion of the contract is confirmed by the electronically saved application data and the issued invoice, which are kept by the Education Organizer until the deadline specified in the legislation on accounting and taxation. The contract between the Parties is concluded in Hungarian.

1.4. The Applicant is solely responsible for the accuracy, timeliness and reality content of the data provided during the application. The Education Organizer excludes any liability arising in connection with incorrect, misspelled or incorrect information provided on the Website. It is possible to modify the data concerning the sent application at the e-mail address

2. Application

2.1. The Applicant can access detailed information about the Trainings advertised on the Website on the relevant Training page. If you need more information about any Training than is provided on the Website, please contact us at the e-mail address or using the "Contact" menu item available on the Website.

2.2. The fee to be paid for participation in each Training is indicated on the page of the given Training.

2.3. The Education Organizer reserves the right to change the participation fee of the Trainings, provided that the change takes effect at the same time as it appears on the Website. The amendment does not adversely affect the participation fee of the Trainings for which the Applicant has already sent his / her application, so the Applicant will always pay the price he / she sees on the site when submitting the application.

2.4. If the Education Organizer displays an incorrect price on the Website despite all due diligence, especially the obviously incorrect price, the Education Organizer is not obliged to provide participation in the Training at an incorrect price, but may offer participation in the Training at the correct price.

2.5. The application sent through the Website will be accepted by the Education Organizer only if the Applicant completes all the fields required for the application on the Registration Form placed at the given Training. The Education Organizer shall not be liable for any delays, problems or errors that can be traced back to the application data provided incorrectly and / or inaccurately by the Applicant.

2.6. The Education Organizer reserves the right to reject applications e.g. due to a conflict of interest.

2.7. How to apply Through the Website: The Applicant registers for the Training of his / her choice by filling in the online “Registration Form”. For courses where you need to fill in a level survey, the Education Organizer will send a link to the “Registration Form” required for application in a reply letter together with the result of the level survey. When filling in the Application Form, the Applicant must select the advertised training and provide the following data: full name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing name, billing address. The Applicant submits their registration by clicking the "Register" button.

3. Terms of payment

3.1 Upon receipt of the application, but no later than within 48 hours, the Education Organizer will send a confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the Applicant during the application, which contains the application data as well as the billing data. If the Applicant discovers any spelling or error in the data included in the confirmation, he / she can report it to the Education Organizer at the e-mail address The Applicant must pay the participation fee for the Training (ies) within the deadline specified in the confirmation e-mail by transfer to the account number in the e-mail. If the confirmation is not received by the Applicant within 48 hours, the Applicant's obligation to make an offer or any obligation without any additional conditions will automatically terminate, the Applicant will not be bound by the application and will not be obliged to participate in the Training. If the Applicant does not pay the participation fee of the Training (ies) within the payment deadline written in the confirmation email, the Education Organizer shall consider this to be the withdrawal of the Applicant from the contract. Upon receipt of the participation fee by the Education Organizer, the Applicant will receive an e-mail confirmation of his / her final application.

3.2. Bank Transfer The Applicant may pay the participation fee by transferring it to the bank account number of the Education Organizer in the e-mail confirming the application within 1 (one) day after sending the e-mail or by ordering by credit card payment by choosing a credit card payment method. Online card payments are made on the site operated by OTP Bank. OTP Bank's information on card payments can be read here. The date of payment of the participation fee is the date when the amount of the participation fee arrives in the bank account of the Education Organizer.

The original invoice issued for the participation fee will be sent by the Education Organizer to the Applicant by e-mail or, upon special request, by post to the appropriate contact details provided by the Applicant when filling in the Application Form.

3.3. Payment by credit or debit card Payment can be made by credit or debit card according to the details provided during registration. The Education Organizer will always consider the payment as a confirmation that the Applicant is a person authorized to use a credit or debit card and has reached the age of 18.

3.4 Payment by credit or debit card will be processed immediately by a third party payment processor via a secure link. The Education Organizer does not handle any card data. If the Applicant makes a payment online, he will receive a receipt for all credit or debit card payments via email, SMS or (where applicable) other electronic notice, and for the sake of clarity, this is equivalent to a booking confirmation.

3.5. The contract entered into under these Terms of Sale is personally applicable to the Applicant and you may not assign or transfer any or all of your rights or obligations under the Terms of Sale.

4. Cancellation

4.1.In case of online group courses (4-8 participants), withdrawal is governed by the specific terms of the given course, which can be found on the website and are also outlined by the Organiser in the information email detailing the registration process, sent to the Participant prior to online payment / bank transfer.

4.2. Online video courses are non-refundable. Upon payment, customers receive immediate access to our digital course materials, resources, and platforms. As these materials are considered delivered upon access, refunds cannot be provided.

4.3. In the case of individual (1 person) classes, the already paid participation fee will not be charged in case of the Participant's cancellation if it is 24 hours in the morning hours and 12:00 noon in the afternoon hours in the case of the afternoon hours.

4.4 In the case of Workshops/Webinars offered online, after the online payment / bank transfer, the webinar / workshop fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation of the Participant.

5. Absence

5.1 If the Participant does not participate in the training (in part or in full) after the start of the Training, the Training Organizer will not refund the training fee. Hours paid for and not started cannot be rescheduled or transferred to another or later training.

6. Rights and obligations of the Parties 6.1. Rights and obligations of the Applicant

6.1.1. Applicants acknowledge that the basis of the educational relationship is online collaboration, so communication with each other is based on e-mail correspondence.

6.1.2. The Applicant for the training declares that before applying he / she has read and got acquainted with the topic, purpose, duration, details of the given course, understood the description of the course on the website and accepts the conditions of application.

6.1.3. The applicant declares that he / she has completed the level survey independently and is at the minimum language level specified in the course description.

6.1.4. Applicant understands and agrees that the course will be conducted specifically in the form of online instruction using Zoom or Skype software.

6.1.5. The applicant undertakes to have a stable internet connection and a computer / laptop equipped with a microphone and camera. Applicant accepts and acknowledges that a smartphone is not sufficient to track hours.

6.1.6. Applicants undertake to download the Zoom and Skype applications - through which they can join the education. On the Zoom and Skype applications, you add the Instructor as a partner (IDs: “Professional Language Training”) and accept the Invitation sent by the Instructor to the online meeting, group. Joining the classes: at the time of the class, the candidate enters the Zoom / Skype applications, accepts the invitation sent by the instructor and enters the specified online group.

6.1.7. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain, install and pre-test the Internet connection and the above technical devices and applications. In all cases, the participant is responsible for the absence from the online class due to the inadequacy or failure of his / her own technical equipment or internet connection. In this case, no compensation is due to the participant.

6.1.8. The Applicant has the right to participate in the Training online, take notes and use the published materials for their own learning purposes. During the Training, the Training Organizer will make the Training material available to the participating Applicant in an online (partly video, partly written) form, accessible only to the participants, on a password-protected website. The Training Materials may not be borrowed, rented or leased by the Applicant. The Applicant is not entitled to transfer his / her rights under these GTC.

6.1.9 .The Training is prohibited by any means without the permission of the Education Organizer, it is forbidden to make any recordings. Violation of this clause will result in the suspension of the Applicant's participation in the Training. In such a case, the Education Organizer will not refund the training participation fee.

6.1.10 The Applicant participating in the Training may not engage in any conduct, even in the form of comments, that would infringe or prejudice the rights or legitimate interests of the other participants, instructors or the Training Organizer.

6.2. Rights and obligations of the Education Organizer

6.2.1 The Education Organizer undertakes to provide an online education service to the Participant at the time, number of hours, level of knowledge and group size (individually, in pairs or in small groups) agreed upon in advance at the time of enrollment.

6.2.2. The education organizer undertakes to keep the classes in full, to start and finish the classes accurately, to provide the material conditions and ideal conditions.

7. Copyright

7.1. The online materials, publications, presentations, videos, audio materials and each of their components (hereinafter: “Intellectual Property”) issued to the Applicant in the framework of the Trainings are protected by copyright and are the property of the Education Organizer. The Education Organizer reserves the right to record, copy and distribute the Intellectual Property by any method or technique. In addition to the license expressly provided for in these GTC, the Education Organizer reserves all rights related to Intellectual Property.

The Training fee includes 80% royalties.


7.2. Copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all Education Organizer English language products remain the sole and exclusive property of the Education Organizer and its licensors. The Education Organizer grants the Applicant a non-exclusive and non-transferable use license to use the Intellectual Works exclusively for his own personal use, in accordance with their purpose. You agree not to make copies of, or permit to make copies of, the materials provided by the Education Organizer's English language product, and not to distribute, distribute, permit, share, sell or rent such materials on the Internet or intranet. to third parties. The Applicant may not modify, record, save, reproduce or distribute the Intellectual Property. The Applicant may not borrow or rent, rent or lease the Intellectual Works, nor shall he be entitled to transfer the rights of the Applicant under this GTC.

8. Complaint handling, customer service

8.1. The Applicant's questions and remarks related to the Website, the Trainings advertised on the Website, and the applications submitted, the training or In case of your complaint related to education, you can contact the customer service of the Education Organizer using the messaging function under the "Contact" menu item available on the Website or at the e-mail address Complaints received will be considered within 30 days and the Applicant will be notified of the result in writing at the contact details provided by the Applicant.

8.2. Other enforcement options If any consumer dispute between the Education Organizer and the Applicant is not resolved during the negotiations with the Education Organizer, the Consumer Applicant may apply to the Conciliation Body competent for his place of residence or stay and initiate proceedings before the Conciliation Body competent for the Education Organizer's seat. , and the following enforcement options are open to the Applicant: - Complaint to the consumer protection authority, - Initiation of the Conciliation Board procedure Budapest Conciliation Board Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. Phone: 06-1-488-2131 Fax: 06-1-488-2186 E-mail:


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