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6 reasons why I recommend the Cambridge C1 Advanced language exam

Language Fairy

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Should you sit for Cambridge C1 to prove your advanced language skills?

1. Widely accepted language exam certificate both internationally and locally

The exam is accepted by more than 9,000 educational institutions around the world and in the UK by 100% of educational institutions - so each university recognizes it as proof of high level and proven language skills. Not only universities but also government departments and international organisations accept it as a proof of confident English skills.

2. Ideal for work

If you are looking for a job or planning to enter the job market, having C1 certificate is a huge advantage when applying to any multinational company, as you have already convincingly demonstrated your language skills in the Cambridge C1 Advanced language exam. While preparing for the exam, you will develop those exact skills that will enable you to study abroad or

work for international companies.

Preparing for C1 Advanced helps learners develop the skills to make the most of studying, working and living in English-speaking countries.

3. The exam certificate does not expire

Cambridge C1 Advanced language exams do not expire after 2 years.

The reason why this question arises at all is the fact that other popular language exam might expire after a few years or alternatively some institutions or immigration offices do not accept them after a certain time. However, - unlike TOEFL and IELTS exams, which are only valid for 2 years - Cambridge exams deliver a certificate that is valid for life.

Join our next online Cambridge C1 course

4. Exam certificate result is "flexible"

All candidates receive a Statement of Results based on the exam the took (C1) but based on their

scores they might receive a different certificate. If your overall score is above the C1 requirement

(above 200) you will get C2 certificate (Council of Europe level). If your overall score does not reach 180, but not lower than 160, you will receive a B2 certificate. Statements of Results are released online, approximately four to six weeks after the exam for paper-based exams, and two

to three weeks after the exam for computer-based exams.

5. Plenty of exam dates to choose from

As Cambridge C1 is a popular exam, exam dates are set very often. Normally there are dates available throughout the year: at least one exam date each month but quite often more than one dates are available a month. Exam dates are listed on the official Cambridge Exam Calendar, however, it is important to know your local exam centre might not offer all these dates. If you want to know which dates are offered in your country, contact your local centre to check availability of these dates.

The Speaking Test date is determined also by your local Exams Centre, according to the Cambridge Assessment English specified time frame. It is not possible to select an exact date or want to know which dates are offered in your country, contact your local centre to check of their Speaking test in the Confirmation of Entry e-mail, which is sent two weeks before the exam date for paper based exams and one week before the exam date for computer based exams. The prices for the C1 Advanced will vary as the test centres can decide on the price of the test; however, you can expect to pay somewhere between 150-175 euros (165-195 USD) To take our Cambridge English exam, you will need to register directly with an authorised exam centre. There are more than 2,800 centres in over 130 countries. If you are in Hungary, go to: British Council Hungary.

6. Paper based or Computer based exam

Cambridge exams can be taken both on the computer or in paper format. The computer-based exam is the digital version of the Cambridge Exam and it is the identical exam in terms of content and timing of the exam. 3 out of the 4 papers of the exam are taken on computer, while the Speaking Paper is taking place physically with two examiners and candidates as in the paper based exam.

The question often arises: which one should I choose? The answer is completely subjective. If you prefer to work or study on paper, the online solution might be strange or unfamiliar to you. In this case: choose the paper-based exam. On one hand it is much faster to underline and highlight important parts on a paper with a pencil, but in the end you need to take the time to transfer your answers to the separate answer-sheet – with which you lose valuable time.

With the computer based exam you cannot lose time since your answers are recorded automatically. It is good to know that you can also highlight texts online in the computer based exam (right click, highlight).

Computer-based testing is ideal if students are more comfortable with a keyboard and mouse than with pencil and paper. On the computer you can change or improve your text in a matter of seconds and keep your work readable – if this is an issue for you. Most of us are already typing everything, so we feel much more natural with the keyboard.

Overall, the advantage of the computer exam as undeniably the same as its disadvantage. If you are unsure about your choice, you may want to try both first versions and then decide.

Why do you need a C1 exam?

  • For my studies

  • For my work

  • Just for myself - as a challenge


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